Published onJuly 20, 2021What is the difference between DateTime.UtcNow and DateTime.Now in .NET?asp-net-coredotnetLearn the difference between DateTime.UtcNow and DateTime.Now and when to use what.
Published onJune 26, 2021How to set up auditing in Entity Framework Coreasp-net-coredotnetentity-frameworkLearn how to set up simple entity auditing and track changes in Entity Framework Core.
Published onJune 10, 2021How to configure a custom exception filter in .NET 5 web APIasp-net-coredotnetweb-apiLearn how to handle all unhandled exceptions in an API using a custom exception filter.
Published onJune 5, 2021Set up token authentication with OpenIddict in .NET 5asp-net-coredotnetoidcauthenticationLearn how to set up an OpenID Connect server using OpenIddict in .NET 5.
Published onMay 24, 2021Simple AutoMapper setup in .NET 5asp-net-coredotnetautomapperLearn one of the simplest ways to configure AutoMapper in .NET 5